Rosie McMahon - The Rise & Thrive Coach


I found I had developed some bad habits over the past couple of years. I was eating large portions of food (more than was required) and eating too much bread and carbs. I was also eating at different times of the day, and far too late in the evening.   When I saw Rosie’s 30 day Lean Queen program it sounded exactly what I was looking for. The 3 20 minute resistance training sessions a week were ideal. Rosie went live at 8am and if the time didn’t suit you could catch up later on.  I loved getting up and having my exercise class done by 8.20. It was a great start to the day.  Rosie also encouraged additional activities; brisk walk, swim in the sea or lake, cold shower, jog, yoga…..basically whatever suited our lifestyles.  I walk 5 or 6k every morning and once a week I jumped into the lake. Along with the training sessions Rosie gave us lots of tips and advice about our eating habits. She supplied healthy recipes and details about Detox dieting and intermittent fasting.  I had been interested in intermittent fasting for a while so I followed that path and couldn’t believe how quickly I got into the routine. I went from fasting for 14 hours to 20 hours in a week or two. 


Within the first week, I started to feel great. Lighter, more energy and so much more motivated. I saw a difference in my hair, nails, and skin and my clothes felt looser. I also felt so much happier in myself.


It has been an incredible 30 days. I have created new, healthy habits that I enjoy. I have so much more energy and feel great. I also love the exercise plans, they are doable, fun, and suit my lifestyle. If anyone is in a bit of a rut and wants to create new habits while having fun, I would encourage you to sign up for the Lean Queen Programme. You won’t regret it.


18.5-inch loss

14 pounds gone

So fricken happy. Thank you so much. 

Clara - County Clare


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